Books and Blues Education Series


 “Books and Blues” is a series of performances by local Arizona blues legends and in partnership the City of Glendale Libraries provides an opportunity not to just entertain, but expand one’s knowledge about this famous form of American Music. These presentations are in partnership with the City of Glendale Libraries and Moorish Manor Management, along with a grant for the Music Performance Trust Fund (MPTF), support from AFM Local 586 Musicians Union, and funded by a City of Glendale Performance Arts Grant.

This third event in this series and will take place at Glendale Library’s Main Library at 6:30pm with a 1-hr performance by the Lucius Parr Band. Inducted into the Arizona Blues Hall of Fame in 2021, Lucius has a rich history of music here in the State of Arizona and abroad. Lucius began his career in Texas at the age of ten.

Moorish Manor

Gabriel Bey




  • Music