Welcome the newest sponsor, SUMITOMO SHI FW, for the 15th Annual Energy from Waste Conference 2022


This year’s two-day conference will have a specific focus on how Energy from Waste sits within the UK’s ambition on the road to net zero and how technology within the Carbon capture and storage market coupled with the evolvement and implementation of district heating is an essential part of that journey.

Benefits of Attending:

• Witness case studies giving updates on the challenges and opportunities facing Energy from Waste projects in England, Sweden, Norway, Turkey, The Netherlands, Scotland, and Poland

• Learn of the technical challenges of optimising output from energy from waste plants and the compatibility of EFW with CCS and Hydrogen production

• Determine the trends, Innovations, and challenges of sustainable financing

• Uncover how carbon pricing can drive a more circular economy where resource productivity is higher and waste leakage lower.

• Understand the key economics of financing EFW plants and how they differ from other types of renewable generation

• Gain an in depth understanding of the opportunities that CCS technology has for Energy from Waste industry

We are pleased to announce that SUMITOMO SHI FW has joined in sponsoring the event alongside our other sponsors, Augean, CAPTIMISE, Recco Heilig Group, and Steag.

SUMITOMO SHI FW is a global provider of solutions and services that drive the decarbonization of energy. Their solutions include energy from biomass and waste, long duration energy storage, recycling of waste to valuable end products, carbon capture, flue gas cleaning, waste heat boilers, as well as related services to digitalize, optimize, and decarbonize assets that we deliver to the global power and industrial markets.

Striving to provide sustainable energy solutions for customers in a wide range of industries including energy, waste, chemicals, metal, sustainable fuels, cement and pulp and paper. SFW’s excellence in delivering projects worldwide rely on our 1,800 talented people, across 20 locations in 14 countries, with deep know-how and experience in the industry.
