The Spotlight Media Productions Introduces a Powerful New Story Filled With Passion, Burning Desire, and The Freedom of Expression


Mark Gooding’s “Kayla Blaze: A Tale of the New Southwest” a story that expresses the call for freedom of expression filled with mysterious affairs, enters the film scene with the help of The Spotlight Media Productions and is now looking for film investors.

Los Angeles, CA – WEBWIRE

Established in 2002, The Spotlight Media Productions works with film creators from around the world, and has strong connection in and around the Hollywood film arena. The group of filmmakers leverages their power and broad awareness to tell stories that appeal to a wide range of audiences. Mark Gooding’s “Kayla Blaze: A Tale of the New Southwest” has entered their view.

This story introduces to us the main protagonists, with very intricate detail. In this book, we see through the eyes of the narrator who is a huge advocate for freedom of expression. A story filled with power and passion with a hooking storyline and detailed characters like this is a sure candidate for becoming a blockbuster movie.

In this story, we learn about Kayla Blaze, a cynical young woman with splendid finesse with a sharp and clever tongue. As for the story’s narrator, who comes from a blue-collar background and resents people who complain a lot about the state of the world when he doesn’t think they have much to complain about, he knows whose expression will most likely be limited, and he knows that limiting expression is ever and always a means for controlling people. That pisses him off. In the era of woke and canceled culture this novel may seem anachronistic, but there was a time not that long ago when Americans valued freedom very highly. Foremost among the rights we cherished was the right to express ourselves freely, even when-in fact, especially when-our ideas or their expression might offend somebody else.

Kayla Blaze goes where, in contemporary American society, it is no longer safe to go, mocking the hypocrisy in American higher education today and the education establishment’s pretense of fostering “free inquiry.” In truth, now more than then it seeks to stifle free inquiry and direct students’ minds into safe, politically correct channels. The novel wraps a story of censorship inside the story of a lurid campus love affair, juxtaposing libertarianism and libertinism, liberty, and libido. It contains a couple of scenes depicting graphic sex, a fair amount of foul language, and above all an undisguised hatred for all things PC.

The story presents us with a very detailed book with splendid storytelling. The characters in themselves are a mystery to unravel thus making this book an edging, hooking story worth reading. Through the affairs hidden in this book let’s journey with Kayla Blaze from the perspective of the narrator.

“Kayla Blaze: A Tale of the New Southwest”

Written by Mark Gooding

Publisher: Author’s Press

Date Published: 7 May 2021

Paperback: $4.34

About the Author

Mark Gooding The product of a working-class family in the American Midwest, Mark Gooding attended Valparaiso University in Indiana and worked at various jobs before moving to Europe in the late 1970s. He returned to the U.S. in the 1980s, migrated to the Southwest, and eventually became an English instructor in Mesa, Arizona, where he still resides. He has published other written works, namely: “Imaginary Life,” “Organisms,” “To Protect and To Serve,” “The Summer of Love,” “The Murder of Shane Schwarmer,” and “Death, Fight, and Revolution.”

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