Golden Quill Press Author Writes About Doggy Dementia for Grey Muzzle Website


 Dogs get dementia, also called Canine Cognitive Dysfucntion and author, F. Barish-Stern is all too familiar with that statement.

In her book, “Doggy Dementia & Alzheimer’s: Shamrock’s Story” she discusses the journey her Shamrock made from rescued dog through the stages of this disease. The information she learned from over 50 interviews with experts is contained in her recent article for GreyMuzzle.

November is Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month – For People

But What if Anything Can We Do for Our Furry Friends to Decrease the Chances of Doggy Dementia Arriving at Their Doggy Door?

One important step is to learn the signs of Canine Cognitive Dysfunction. Her article available at Grey Muzzle’s website: listed under “grey-matters/health-and-well-being-common-health-issues/shamrock’s-story-what-my-dog-taught-me-about” explains the signs from early almost silent changes to more pronounced and symptoms in the progression of this disease.

This book and more information is also available through Golden Quill Press.

Golden Quill Press

Francine Bray




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