ARA Breast Radiologist Goes All Pink to Emphasize Importance of Mammography


 It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month and many are working to bring attention to breast cancer and the importance of screening with mammography. However, Dr. Arthy Saravanan, head of the breast imaging section at ARA Diagnostic Imaging, is going the extra mile, in a bright pink car.

Dr. Saravanan wanted to share her passion with the Austin community for detecting cancer early with screening mammography. She hit on the idea of getting a pink wrap for her BMW and, as you can see, the results are outstanding. Everywhere she goes, all year round, people are reminded to get their mammograms or to tell the women in their lives to get screened. The car also serves as a talking point about how the early detection of breast cancer saves lives.

“Women are so busy that they sometimes forget to make time for their annual screenings,” says Dr. Saravanan. “I want to be a helpful reminder to them to get that mammogram scheduled. You see, 1 in 8 women will get breast cancer in their lifetime but the fact is that breast cancer is more survivable today than ever before. Ninety-eight percent of women survive breast cancer if it is caught at an early stage by a mammogram. It is so vital to start screening mammograms at 40 and get one yearly after that.”

With the advanced technology now available, radiologists can detect cancer years before it can be felt by the patient. Emerging artificial intelligence enhances the ability of radiologists to detect cancer at a very early stage, allowing for appropriate treatment.

It’s important to note that insurance companies in Texas are required to cover an annual mammogram for women 40 and over. So, for many people, screening mammograms cost nothing.

“I think, as women, we do take care of our families, we work hard, and we can neglect our self-care,” says Dr. Saravanan. “But getting a mammogram is essential, and it can be life-saving. So, when you see me buzzing around Austin in this lovely pink car, remember it is your friendly reminder to get that mammogram scheduled. Your life is worth it!”


Julia Austin




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