R.J. Gibran Offers a Witty Observation of the Customary Moments of Human Life Through Her Rich Collection of Poems and Epigrams


San Diego, CA – WEBWIRE

Making strategic use of metaphors, rhymes, and wordplay, R.J. Gibran brilliantly drew life lessons from the examples of animals, inanimate objects, regular people, themes, and events as she developed a poem or an epigram for each of them in her book, “Poetic License: A Divine Right to Write.” R.J. Gibran vividly described the characteristics of her subjects as she pointed out one side of life that was wholly depicted by them. Her words often make a good quotable quote.

In over a hundred poems and epigrams, “Poetic License: A Divine Right to Write” explored the irony and lessons of life taken from the deeds of animals such as horses, cows, pigs, cats, etc.; inanimate objects such as wild lettuce, sepulcher, purple feather, etc.; themes such as plain English, its subliminal perception, punishments, the miracle of you, on the pursuit of happiness; events and people such as job application, circus, etc. Noting the value of passion, R.J. Gibran expressed these words: “The breeding of fine horseflesh is perhaps more of a passion than a science or art.” As for the pursuit of happiness, she conveyed this wise piece of advice: “Happiness, after all, is the raison d’etre (reason or justification for existence).”

“Poetic License: A Divine Right to Write” is a great reading material for reflection and motivational storytelling, which can be used by moderators and the casual reader in events and occasions where they have to illustrate a situation that embodied a particular life lesson and even irony. This book is a great recommendation for those who love poetry and those who are looking for a motivational yet satirical book.

Buy the book at https://youronlinepublicist.com/product/poetic-license-a-divine-right-to-write-poems-and-epigrams-by-r-j-gibran/

“Poetic License: A Divine Right to Write” / Poems and Epigrams

Author: R.J. Gibran

Publisher: Your Online Publicist

Publication Date: March 2022

Genre: Diversionary Poetry

Target Audience: Adults

About the Author

R.J. Gibran is a passionate poet, who once again reiterates the genre of the new age in “Poetic License.” Let us remember the various game faces we encounter daily, and how we too have those faces within ourselves. The new age is fascinating, if not curious as we cower into it. True, man has furthered himself greatly in terms of technology and modernization, yet R.J. stresses the importance of adhering to the old ways, and never deviating from aspiring to the classics as the correct choice, no matter what. However, putting this new age into perspective is crucial for seeing clearly and understanding its true meaning.