Hong Kong – LegCo Members visit staircases on slope of Lok Wah North Estate in Kwun Tong(with photos)


LegCo Members visit staircases on slope of Lok Wah North Estate in Kwun Tong(with photos)


The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council Members conducted a site visit at the staircases on the slope of Lok Wah North Estate in Kwun Tong today (October 12) to follow up on a complaint case relating to retrofitting barrier-free access facilities.


     Accompanied by the representatives of the Housing Department, the Highways Department and the Kwun Tong District Office, Members observed the usage of the staircases by residents. Members then received a briefing by government representatives on the progress of the lift installation works at a footbridge near the staircases. Members also exchanged views with government representatives on retrofitting more comprehensive barrier-free access facilities.


     Members who participated in the visit were Mr Tang Ka-piu (Convenor) and Mr Edward Leung.