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Hong Kong – Opening remarks by SITI at Opening Ceremony of HK Tech Forum – “Carbon Neutrality and Sustainable Environment” (English only)

Hong Kong - Opening remarks by SITI at Opening Ceremony of HK Tech Forum - "Carbon Neutrality and Sustainable Environment" (English only) thumbnail

Opening remarks by SITI at Opening Ceremony of HK Tech Forum – “Carbon Neutrality and Sustainable Environment” (English only)


     Following are the opening remarks by the Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Professor Sun Dong, at the Opening Ceremony of HK Tech Forum – “Carbon Neutrality and Sustainable Environment” today (October 5):


Professor Jen (Director of the Hong Kong Institute for Clean Energy of the City University of Hong Kong (CityU), Professor Alex Jen), Professor Wong (Chairman of the Research Grants Council, Professor Wong Yuk-shan), Michael (Vice-President (Research and Technology) of CityU, Professor Michael Yang), Rebecca (Commissioner for Innovation and Technology, Ms Rebecca Pun), Julie (Associate Provost (Academic Affairs) of CityU, Professor Julie Li), Harry (Principal Advisor of Carbon Neutrality, Electricity and Energy Efficiency Branch of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Mr Harry Lai), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,


     Good afternoon. I am most happy to be back to CityU and join today’s Hong Kong Tech Forum on Carbon Neutrality and Sustainable Environment, which brings together world-renowned scholars and researchers, as well as industry partners, to share their views and explore ways to shape the future of renewable energy transition.


     I did not hesitate to join this exciting event after being invited by Professor Jen, as the vision of zero-carbon emissions is always a subject of concern to myself and the whole community. Growing energy shortages and climate changes highlight the unprecedented global energy and environmental crisis. To reaffirm our vision of achieving the goals of a carbon dioxide emissions peak and the carbon neutrality, the Government released Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2050 last year which highlights four decarbonisation strategies to achieve carbon neutrality through net-zero electricity generation, energy saving and green buildings, green transport and waste reduction. The Government has also set out bold plans for Hong Kong to achieve a carbon-neutral economy by promoting green innovation and technology.


     With no doubt, science and technology will be our strongest asset to tackle climate change and other environmental challenges in long term. One of the most important objectives for the Government to promote I&T (innovation and technology) development is to improve people’s quality of life. Through our Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF), we encourage and support the development and adoption of clean environmental technologies in Hong Kong. Moreover, our five public R&D (research and development) centres as well as the local universities have successfully developed many award-winning green technology projects with the support of the ITF over the years. Many of them are also well presented on the Innovation Hub@HK website, our newly launched portal to showcase the R&D outcomes of our public research institutes, thereby facilitating commercialisation and technology transfer.


     Government aside, efforts of local organisations and industries deserve our full support. We are happy to see the CityU has been taking a pioneering role in developing the I&T development in Hong Kong. I congratulate CityU for establishing the Hong Kong Institute for Clean Energy (HKICE) last year, which functions as an international hub for talents and provides such dynamism to generate new knowledge and innovative solutions to improve the quality of life in the community. All universities and research institutes like HKICE are pivotal in our plan to drive our sustainability agenda, and are encouraged to make use of the Government’s funding schemes to develop and commercialise the R&D results. We hope that more innovative solutions and breakthroughs in sustainable development could arise from our support. Together, we can develop greater climate, energy and economic resilience, transforming Hong Kong into a world-class smart and green city.


     Indeed, the energy transition is a quest that requires us to harness collective strength and efforts that transcend borders. Today, this forum has united global experts, scholars, and professionals to share their insights and perspectives on this journey. This forum provides a good opportunity for policymakers, academics, and industry partners to leverage expertise in harnessing clean energy and improving energy efficiency, as we strike a balance between the energy transition and economic development.


     At this important juncture of the biggest energy revolution in history, we must continue to push the frontiers of sustainability. I believe we can address the huge challenges in front of us if we work together to support a low-carbon transition for a sustainable future. May I wish you all a fruitful, enjoyable, and inspiring forum.


     Thank you very much.