Calmergé App Connects Parents With Teachers To Help Keep Children Safe


With school back in session, parents are looking for ways to keep their children safe. Now there’s an app for that! Calmergé is a free app that connects parents with teachers, helps keep children safe through the voluntary sharing of health and allergy information, and allows for easy snack scheduling. Don’t miss out on this essential tool – download Calmergé today!

The Calmergé app is designed to help parents feel more secure about their child’s safety by connecting them with their teacher, allowing for easy sharing of health and allergy information while providing a convenient snack scheduling toolkit – all free of charge! This intuitive app is quickly becoming a necessary resource for families across America looking to simplify communication between home and school.

The app has many features that are perfect for any parent. The first feature, sharing allergy and health information with teachers, is a great way to keep your child safe. If your child has any allergies, you can input the allergen as well as the symptoms of exposure into the app, and the teacher will be notified. This way, the teacher can ensure your child is not around anything that could trigger their allergy. A new diagnosis of a communicable disease (e.g. Covid, flu, head lice) and the symptoms can also be shared with your child’s teacher in real-time.

This app differs from the rest because of its patent-pending feature; classroom allergies and health conditions will be shared anonymously with all parents in the class. When a parent inputs an allergy or health condition, all other parents in the class will be anonymously notified. All parents can view a collective list of the classroom allergies, so they know which foods to avoid sending to school. Real-time notification of a new contagious disease allows parents to start monitoring their own children for symptoms earlier and can help slow the spread. This unique feature helps keep all children safe and healthy.

Calmergé also gives parents access to communicate with their child’s teacher. They can easily ask the teacher any questions or discuss concerns about their child in school. Teachers will respond through the app. Parents can send and receive messages, pictures, videos, and documents. Upload your child’s homework and send it directly to the teacher.

Teachers can message parents individually and easily share photos and videos of their child’s work or activities in school. They can also send out classroom announcements with important reminders, assignment information, and to make parents feel more connected to what is going on at school. In the app, teachers will also have speedy access to parent contact information in case of an emergency. They can email or call parents in seconds right from the app.

Teachers may update the calendar in Calmergé with holidays, school events, field trips, or early dismissals. All parents will have access to view the calendar, so they never miss anything.

Teachers can create snack sign-ups when parents are asked to bring snacks for the class. With classroom allergies in mind, teachers can make a safe list of snack foods for parents to choose from. From the calendar, parents can sign up to bring snacks and set reminders for their turn. They can also see what other parents are bringing, so they can know what to expect. If there’s a problem with the snack, you can easily communicate this to the teacher through the app.

With Calmergé, teachers may easily send individual daily updates about snacks eaten and naps taken for the younger children. Parents no longer have to wonder what their child is eating or if they are actually taking a nap. The app is user-friendly and perfect for any busy parent on the go.

Signing up for the app is quite simple. You simply need an email address and a password, but you can also log in with your Facebook, Google, or Apple ID account. Sign up for Calmergé as a parent or teacher. Then, the teacher gives the parent their unique access code so they can connect. After that, parents create their children’s profiles and voluntarily share important health and allergy information with the teacher – and you’re all set!

Calmergé is the only app of its kind that is free for parents and teachers. It is available for download on the App Store and Google Play for teachers to use without ads. Parents can use the app for free with ads or go ad-free for $2.99 per year.

If you’re looking for an app to help you with your child at school, download Calmergé today! With Calmergé, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that you can easily communicate with your child’s teacher and your child is safe and sound at school. Get the app today and start feeling more connected. Keep your children safe with Calmergé!

Contact Name: Deana Glenn


About Calmerge, LLC

Calmergé is a free app that connects parents with teachers, helps keep children safe through the voluntary sharing of health and allergy information, and allows for easy snack scheduling.