Poet Susan A. Katz Releases Her Fifth Book, “Dreaming Missouri”


By: Susan A. Katz

Poet Susan A. Katz's new book,

Poet Susan A. Katz’s new book, “Dreaming Missouri”

WASHINGTON, Conn.Aug. 23, 2022PRLog — “Dreaming Missouri” is the fifth book of breathtakingly tender poems by prolific author Susan A. Katz of Washington, Connecticut, and will be released in bookstores nationwide and online on August 31, 2022, by Austin Macauley Publishers of New York and London.

Through the intricate lens of delicately written poetry, Susan A. Katz examines the way in which people’s lives interconnect, and how ‘life impacts life.’ Her poetry presented in “Dreaming Missouri”, explores “the way a place you’ve never been or someone you’ve never met, collides with you and changes you forever.

“How each step we take brings us closer to a moment in our life that may change it forever. In ‘Dreaming Missouri’, my ambition is to reveal to the reader how each moment is filled with indelible, occasionally startling, events. Sometimes they happen to you, sometimes they happen to others and we are irrevocably changed.”

From love to loss, from a love that struggles to survive, to children who leave the nest emptied and lonely, to those whose names we read about or hear about on the news, Katz’s raw and throbbing collection of poems is destined to draw the reader in and remind him or her about how very vulnerable and susceptible we all are to the hazards of living.

Titles of Katz’s more than 100 poems in “Dreaming Missouri” include “Almost Winter”, “Mid-Life”, “Without Virtue”, “The Other Side of Sky”, “In the Place of Nothing”, “Why She Died”, “The Wounded Years”, “Aunt Esther at 100”, “A Common Womb: Sisters”, “The Breath of Butterflies”, “Trusting the Silence”, “My Map to God”, “Something Less Than Perfect”, “Other Lives”, “The Lie of Leaving”, “Blessing”.

A widely, nationally, and internationally published poet, Katz’s work has appeared in numerous anthologies, journals, and literary magazines. She co-authored two textbooks with Orff Schulwerk music specialist Judith A. Thomas, espousing the need to incorporate the arts into schools’ curricula.

For more than 30 years, Katz worked for The New York State Poets in Public Service, and then with Thomas with whom she conducted student/teacher poetry workshops in the U.S. and Canada. Katz’s work has been cited as: “…precise imagery, directness, and honesty…outspokenly erotic and sensual, evoking a powerful sense of physical passion and deeply felt experiences.” – Robert Wilson, Poetry Editor, Negative Capability.

Katz has been actively writing and publishing poetry for more than 50 years. She finds inspiration for her poems in the intricacies, and intimacies, of life and family, the perils of living, and the beauty and wonder of the natural world. Her poems reveal her intense passion for the living quality of language.

“Dreaming Missouri” sells for $11.95 in paperback and $4.50 in eBook, and is available on https://www.austinmacauley.com, www.Amazon.com, and all major booksellers. For information on Susan A. Katz, visit https://poetlady.com.