Hong Kong – Jakarta Dragon Boat Festival 2022 held to celebrate 25th anniversary of establishment of HKSAR (with photos)


Jakarta Dragon Boat Festival 2022 held to celebrate 25th anniversary of establishment of HKSAR (with photos)


     The Jakarta Dragon Boat Festival 2022 was held in Jakarta, Indonesia, today (August 13) to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), and to promote Hong Kong’s appeal in the areas of sports and culture. The event was sponsored by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Jakarta (HKETO Jakarta).


     About 800 athletes from over 50 teams competed in the races. The Director-General of the HKETO Jakarta, Mr Law Kin-wai, together with various other officiating guests, attended the event and presented prizes to the winning teams.


     In collaboration with the Hong Kong Tourism Board, the HKETO Jakarta set up a booth at the venue to showcase a spectrum of traditional communities and contemporary architecture in Hong Kong, highlighting the city’s unique character with an iconic East-meets-West culture and a dynamic blend of the old and the new. The HKETO Jakarta also distributed souvenirs to the athletes and other guests to share the joy and excitement of the important milestone of the HKSAR.


     Launched in 2017 with the sponsorship of the HKETO Jakarta, the Jakarta Dragon Boat Festival has grown rapidly to become a signature event in town supported by the Jakarta Provincial Government.


     The HKETO Jakarta will continue to hold a series of events in the coming months to underscore the remarkable achievements of the HKSAR over the past 25 years.