Hong Kong – Speech by FS at Joint Opening Ceremony of HKTDC Food Expo, Hong Kong International Tea Fair, Home Delights Expo and Beauty & Wellness Expo (English only) (with photos/video)


Speech by FS at Joint Opening Ceremony of HKTDC Food Expo, Hong Kong International Tea Fair, Home Delights Expo and Beauty & Wellness Expo (English only) (with photos/video)


     Following is the speech by the Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, at the Joint Opening Ceremony of HKTDC Food Expo, Hong Kong International Tea Fair, Home Delights Expo and Beauty & Wellness Expo today (August 11):


Peter (Chairman of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), Dr Peter Lam), Margaret (Executive Director of the HKTDC, Ms Margaret Fong), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,


     Good morning.


     I am delighted to be here today for the joint opening ceremony of four fabulous fairs hosted by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council: the Food Expo, the International Tea Fair, the Home Delights Expo and the Beauty & Wellness Expo. 


     Put them together, and you’ve got a smart and sumptuous ticket to good life – for the public, and for buyers and sellers alike.


     The concurrent fairs have attracted nearly 1,000 exhibitors – from Hong Kong, the Mainland and around the world – to the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. And HKTDC’s new Exhibition+ makes connecting and doing business online easy as well – during the fairs and after.


     Food Expo, let me add, is celebrating the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in enticing style, bringing a broad range of specialty foods and drinks from around the world to Hong Kong. 


     Ladies and gentlemen, the opening of these four high-profile international fairs – and in such a challenging time – speaks of our commitment to the exhibition industry.


     The Government believes in the industry, in the critical value that trade plays in our economy, and in attracting foreign investment. That is why I think everyone is so glad to see the return of large-scale exhibitions after the peak of COVID-19 in the first quarter this year. And we are exploring long-term strategies to attract more event organisers, more convention and exhibition events, to Hong Kong down the road.


     We’re not alone, I’m pleased to say. The 14th Five-Year Plan of the Central Government fully supports our continuing development as an international trade centre. We will do everything in our power to realise this objective.


     What is more, Phase II of the Consumption Voucher Scheme has just begun. Hong Kong consumers are invited to bring their consumption vouchers to the fairs, enjoying every minute, every dollar, spent as they do. I’m told that some over 90 per cent of the exhibitors are happy to accept the vouchers. 


     Finally, I would like to thank the HKTDC for putting together a trade-show spectacular designed to boost business, spur consumption and light up our summer-in-the-city smiles.


     I wish you the best of health and business. Thank you.