JB McDonald Releases New Dark Fantasy Novel


It came out of the jungle. It decimated the village. Somehow, Jahal escaped. Now he’s risking everything to rescue other survivors with the help of the enigmatic warder, Dalak.

Survivors don’t matter to Dalak. One instinct drives her: kill the demon, regardless of who dies along the way.

Anaye has never seen a demon; the warder has kept her tribe safe for generations. But as the warder’s tenuous link to society, Anaye goes where Dalak goes – and Dalak is going with Jahal.

Saving anyone, not least themselves, will take all three of them working together, pushing human endurance and ingenuity to the limit. But what chance do they have when one of them isn’t even human?

The demon is on its way…

Book Information:


By JB McDonald

Independently Published

Published: July 25, 2022

ISBN: 9798842210992

Genre: Fantasy, Dark Fantasy

Praise for Warded:

“A fast paced and truly original adventure..” – NetGalley Reviewer

“I was engaged from each character and their survival…” – NetGalley Reviewer

“Warded by JB McDonald is an interesting fantasy read…a fairly short read, quick and entertaining.” – NetGalley Reviewer

About the Author:

JB McDonald writes dark fantasy and m/m romance novels. She’s had multiple books published by multiple publishers, including one that remained on the publisher’s top ten list for five years, and is diving back into writing full time after a hiatus. You can find her on Facebook at JB McDonald Scribbles Here, or on her blog at www.JBMcDonaldScribblesHere.wordpress.com

Contact Information:

Blog: https://jbmcdonaldscribbleshere.wordpress.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JB-McDonald-Scribbles-Here-111717348281288

BookBuzz: https://book-buzz.net/book/warded/

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