Hong Kong – Secretary for Health visits Department of Health (with photos)


Secretary for Health visits Department of Health (with photos)


     The Secretary for Health, Professor Lo Chung-mau, visited the Department of Health (DH) today (August 3) to get a better grasp of the daily work of the department and the challenges arising from the COVID-19 epidemic.


     Professor Lo started the visit at the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the DH and met with the Director of Health, Dr Ronald Lam, and directorate staff. He received a briefing on the important functions of the department, including the regulation of public health-related services and law enforcement work, prevention and control of diseases, health promotion and healthcare services.


     Professor Lo then proceeded to the Contact Tracing Office located in Kowloon Bay to observe in person the work of tracing close contacts as carried out in recent months with a view to cutting the virus transmission chains as early as possible. He inspected the Emergency Hotline Centre afterwards and received a briefing by the frontline staff on how they handle public enquiries on COVID-19.


     Professor Lo said, “The COVID-19 pandemic, which has lasted for more than two and a half years, poses profound challenges to the global healthcare system and public health. It also substantially increased the pressure on public health departments and frontline healthcare staff. I express my gratitude to the colleagues of the DH for being committed to their duty all along and upholding their professionalism. Apart from continuously monitoring and assessing the local and global epidemic situation, and implementing various anti-epidemic measures, they strive to safeguard the health of all citizens in Hong Kong on various fronts, such as continuing to carry out their regulatory and law enforcement work, providing health promotion, disease prevention and healthcare services, as well as fostering community partnership and international collaboration.”


     He anticipated that the staff members of the DH in different positions will continue to do their utmost for progress and shoulder responsibilities, as well as to serve the community with an attitude of striving for excellence, thereby endeavouring to work hand in hand in enhancing and protecting public health for a “Healthy Hong Kong” to be integrated into the national “Healthy China” initiative.