Hong Kong – CE visits Sham Shui Po to gauge views on Policy Address (with photos)


CE visits Sham Shui Po to gauge views on Policy Address (with photos)


     The Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, visited Sham Shui Po today (July 30) to meet with community leaders and local residents and listen to their views on the upcoming Policy Address.


     Mr Lee was accompanied on this visit by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki; the Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, Miss Alice Mak; the Director of Home Affairs, Mrs Alice Cheung; and District Officer (Sham Shui Po), Mr Paul Wong.


     Mr Lee first inspected a “three-nil building” (i.e. a building that does not has owners’ corporation or any form of residents’ organisation, or has not engaged a property management company), visited a grassroots family living in a subdivided flat in the old building in the district to learn more about their living condition and their views on poverty alleviation measures.


     Mr Lee then visited the Shamshuipo Kai Fong Welfare Advancement Association Neighbourhood Elderly Centre and interacted with the elderly people at the day care centre. He also exchanged views with community leaders and grassroots residents on the living condition of local citizens and community development.


     Mr Lee said he fully appreciates the expectations of grassroots residents towards enhancing their living conditions.


     “My team and I will continue to communicate with organisations and people of different sectors in the coming two months by taking part in activities including consultation sessions and district visits to tap public views through multiple channels so as to facilitate the drafting of the Policy Address to be delivered in October,” said Mr Lee.


     The public consultation for the 2022 Policy Address was launched on July 25. Mr Lee appealed to members of the public to give their views on issues of their interests to the Government.