Licensed Clinical Psychologist and a Priest in the Episcopal Church Presents a Handbook to Help Bring Readers Closer to Christ


Reno, Nevada – WEBWIRE

Julius M. Rogina, Ph.D., ABMPP, a licensed clinical psychologist and a priest in the Episcopal Church, Diocese of Nevada, offers “Pilgrimage to Discipleship: A Guide to the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola” to spiritually curious people who are looking for new ways of understanding and experiencing spiritual pilgrimage.

The book provides a concise overview of St. Ignatius Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises. Its goal is to assist someone on a one-of-a-kind Christian Spiritual Pilgrimage of faith. Using insights from modern psychology and insights from one of the great masters of Christian Spirituality, the reader is introduced to the five major movements of Christian spiritual living. Understanding human brokenness, encountering Jesus of Nazareth and the Christ of Christian liturgy, coming to grips with human suffering and redemption, living with resurrection hope, receiving God’s Holy Breath, discernment criteria, and the election is just a few of the subjects covered. It discusses how to play an active role in selecting a spiritual companion and reaping the benefits of ongoing spiritual guidance.

“Pilgrimage to Discipleship,” like many other spiritual growth books, is a fascinating read. However, going into, evaluating, following, and performing the Exercises as honestly as possible may be a life-changing and journey-freeing experience. It’s a step-by-step guide to personal growth and discovery in the wonder of a growing personal relationship with God. It’s a beautiful companion for going from knowing about God to knowing God.

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“Pilgrimage to Discipleship: A Guide to the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola”

Author: Julius M. Rogina

Publisher: Your Online Publicist

Published Date: January 2022

Book Genre: Religion & Spirituality

About the Author:

Julius M. Rogina, Ph.D., ABMPP is a licensed clinical psychologist and a priest in the Episcopal Church, Diocese of Nevada. He has worked in inpatient and outpatient clinical settings for the last forty years. He assists Christian Communities with conflict resolutions and discernment process. He has taught in several Universities in the field of psychology and spirituality. The current faculty position with the Medical School, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences involves him with a psychiatry residency program in the supervision of psychotherapy. His teachings and writings focus on the integration of Psychology and Christian Spirituality. As a former Jesuit priest and now Episcopal priest, he brings a Christian spiritual dimension to his clinical practice and writings. He and his family reside in Reno, Nevada.