Hong Kong – Results of Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers released


Results of Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers released


     The Education Bureau (EDB) today (July 25) announced that candidates of the Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers (LPAT) 2022 (written and speaking papers), held in May and June this year, will receive results notices by post from the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) from tomorrow (July 26). 


     A total of 1 295 candidates sat for the English Language papers while 1 195 sat for the Putonghua papers this year.


     The results of the assessment are as follows:


English Language papers:


Number of Candidates
Number and Percentage of Candidates Meeting the LPR*

(Level 3 or above)
Reading977793 (81.2%)
Writing1 025564 (55.0%)
Listening888690 (77.7%)
Speaking916653 (71.3%)


Putonghua papers:

 Number of CandidatesNumber and Percentage of Candidates Meeting the LPR*

(Level 3 or above)
Listening and Recognition1 027680 (66.2%)
Pinyin956606 (63.4%)
Speaking501417 (83.2%)


* LPR = Language Proficiency Requirement


     A spokesman for the EDB said, “The EDB administers the LPAT every year to provide a channel for teachers and people aspiring to be teachers of English or Putonghua to attain the Language Proficiency Requirement. Candidates of the LPAT include members of the public and teachers teaching subjects other than the two languages.”


     Candidates who have not received the results notices by this Friday (July 29) should contact the HKEAA on 3628 8860.


     Applications for rechecking of results will be accepted on or before August 1. Candidates will be informed individually of their appeal results by August 31.


     The Assessment Reports, which provide observations on candidates’ performance, including their strengths and areas for improvement, will be released in September through the websites of the HKEAA (www.hkeaa.edu.hk) and the EDB (www.edb.gov.hk) for the reference of candidates, schools and teacher education institutions. The question papers, together with a CD for the listening papers, suggested answers and Assessment Reports, will be available for sale in September.


     The spokesman added, “Concerning the Classroom Language Assessment (CLA) paper, teachers holding a permanent post have to meet the LPR within the first year of teaching the two languages. Due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic and suspension of face-to-face classes, the EDB has already extended the deadline in the 2021/22 school year for one year. All the results notices for the CLA will be issued by the HKEAA in October this year at the earliest, if feasible.”