Aide Still Needed For Ukriane Citizens and Refugees Donate Here


As ProPics Canada Media Ltd prepares for the nexrt trip to Poland and Ukraine, they are once again asking for you to donate in order to help those in need. The war is far from over but the support is reduced as the world turns to other stories.

Ukraine Refugees Arrive Safely at Poland Border

Ukraine Refugees Arrive Safely at Poland Border

VANCOUVER, British ColumbiaJuly 22, 2022PRLog — After the first very productive trip to Poland and Ukraine in April, ProPics Canada Media Ltd is planning a second trip in order to bring truth to the world of the ongoing invasion by Russia. The world is still following the illegal war and attrocities being commited aginst Ukrianian soldiers and civilians but not with the same outrage as when the invasion first started.

ProPics Canada Media Ltd is an independent freelance photo and video journalism service based in Vancouver, British Columbia Canada but feeds news and media agencies in over 35 countries with footage and images. The stories of international interest and impact are sometimes more challenging for mainstream media to have journalists located in the regions. It can be a challenge and a benefit for an independent journalist in that the mainstream media outlets with international brand recognition can turn some people away from speaking with them in fear of how the reports will be used. In this day and age there is some distrust with some media brands. As a freelance service, many see it as more transparent and open to reporting without a fear of hidden agendas. In the same fold though is that sometimes, less respect is given to freelance journalists as there are some people who do not think that the footage will gain the same international coverage.

Freelance journalists also have much lower resources should they be captured by people, groups or governments wanting to use them as pawns in the public eye. This can place freelancers in a higher risk category while journlaists being captured and help for ransom would be a higher risk for those affiliated with multinational media conglomerates given the perception of the much larger financial resources.

For ProPics Canada Media Ltd though, one of the biggest rewards and benefits is to be able to put the camera down after capturing some stories, rolling up the sleeves and actually helping the people in need. During the last visit, ProPics Canada Media Ltd assisted many refugees along the border of Poland and Ukraine in addition to countless numbers of people still in Kyiv among other areas. We have the ability to get into areas where aid groups may not and give help to those in the most need. This is where the ProPics Canada Media Fund comes into high importance. The more funds which people donate, the larger impact we can have to those in desperate need. The fund is only used for non military assistance and goes directly to those struggling to make it through this time of violence and attacks.

You can help Ukrainians by contributing at and click on the media fund option in the menu listings.