ThrottleNet Again Named One of the World’s Premier Managed Service Providers by Channel Futures MSP 501


The technology industry’s top performing providers of managed services are selected annually by the editors of Channel Futures. Applications are submitted by companies from around the globe who wish to be included on this prestigious and definitive listing.

Firms wishing to be included on the list must complete the Channel Futures MSP 501 survey which examines organizational performance based on annual sales, recurring revenue, profit margins, revenue mix, growth opportunities, innovation, technology solutions supported and company and customer demographics.

Companies must also pass a rigorous review conducted by the research team and editors of Channel Futures that rank applicants using a unique methodology that weighs financial performance according to long-term health and viability, commitment to recurring revenue and operational efficiency.

“Our team at ThrottleNet is committed to helping our clients achieve their business goals with a special emphasis on protection of their valuable assets. We believe that commitment is reflected in our consistency of performance and ThrottleNet’s dedication for continuous improvement in everything we do. In all we are once again honored to be recognized as one of the top managed service providers in the world,” said George Rosenthal, President.

According to Channel Futures, this year’s list attracted a record number of applicants and was one of the most competitive in the survey’s history. Winners are being recognized at the Channel Futures website and will be honored at a special ceremony at the Channel Futures MSP Summit + Channel Partners Leadership Summit, Sept. 13-16 in Orlando FL. To see the complete listing visit MSP 501 – Channel Futures.


ThrottleNet, Inc. didn’t become one of St. Louis’ top outsourced IT management and security solution providers overnight. The firm has more than two decades of doing things one way. The right way. The depth of knowledge, resources, and experience at ThrottleNet ensures your outsourced IT management and security solution is efficient and able to detect threats. In fact, ThrottleNet constantly tracks client satisfaction and has received over 269 Google reviews from happy customers with an average score of 4.9 out of 5. Customers who, of their own volition, shared their experiences working with our company. In all, our staff not only helps our clients improve their business operations but also saves them money as well. It is why more and more companies are outsourcing all their technology needs to ThrottleNet. Visit
