Sun Chemical Brings Distribution Business In-house



As of July 1, 2022, Sun Chemical has assumed responsibility for home and personal care colorants, which were previously distributed by BTC Europe GmbH.

As a part of this business transfer, all future sales, samples and literature will be managed by Sun Chemical. This includes the popular tradenames Puricolor®Iragon® and Pigmosol®, which contain a variety of dyes, pigments and preparations.

“We are excited to continue expanding our color portfolio and grow in the home and personal care market,” said Bart Vanderbiest, Global Business Director of Cosmetics, Sun Chemical. “We are committed to making the world a more colorful place and look forward to leveraging our rich expertise and diverse portfolio to better serve our new and existing customers.”

Sun Chemical’s new product portfolio includes a wide range of dynamic colors for a variety of applications. The Puricolor family contains colors for both the home and personal care markets, including a selection of colors compliant with the FDA, EU Cosmetic Directive and Japanese MHLW. The Iragon and Pigmosol product families serve the home care market and are compliant with the EU Detergent Directive.

Sun Chemical has dedicated resources around the globe to support the transition and onboarding of the new product families. For more information, visit


About Sun Chemical

Sun Chemical, a member of the DIC Group, is a leading producer of packaging and graphic solutions, color and display technologies, functional products, electronic materials, and products for the automotive and healthcare industries. Together with DIC, Sun Chemical is continuously working to promote and develop sustainable solutions to exceed customer expectations and better the world around us. With combined annual sales of more than $8.5 billion and 22,000+ employees worldwide, the DIC Group companies support a diverse collection of global customers.

Sun Chemical Corporation is a subsidiary of Sun Chemical Group Coöperatief U.A., the Netherlands, and is headquartered in Parsippany, New Jersey, U.S.A. For more information, please visit our website at