Alaco Media LLC Presents Edition8 Magazine’s “Read Every Word” Student Campaign


 Edition8 Magazine will launch its campaign, “Read Every Word,” in August 2022, just in time for the 2022-2023 school year, to encourage more reading amongst young people ages 14-25.

Most young people spend about six to nine hours texting, using social media, and watching TV* compared to the mere 20 minutes per day that they may spend reading content outside of their school work.

The “Read Every Word” campaign discourages “skimming” and quick reads of reading material and encourages reading every word for a close reading. Close reading promotes focus and clarity to obtain a deeper knowledge and richer understanding of a subject/topic, as well as a keen observation of facts and details for one’s own interests and research.

Edition8 Magazine offers a unique range of informative, entertaining, and inspir8tional content to keep its readers interested and engaged for at least 30 minutes per day every month.

Schools, organizations and other educational institutions should email if interested in Edition8 Magazine’s “Read Every Word” campaign for their students.

For media inquiries, send emails to

*Stats from the West Virginia Education Association

Edition8 Magazine

Alaina Coats




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