Alaco Media, LLC Announces Its New Publication, Edition8 Magazine


 Alaina J. Coats is the founder and Editor in Chief of Edition8 Magazine.

Edition8 was created in 2022. It is a trademark of Alaco Media, LLC. Alaco Media is a publishing house in Atlanta, GA. The magazine is distributed monthly via print and digital subscriptions. It sells at $4.00 per issue. Its target audience is 14-25-year-olds.

Edition8’s aim is to present a unique blend of news, culture, and inspiration. It offers a positive, uplifting perspective to news while keeping its audiences up-to-date and informed.

“This magazine has something in it for everyone,” Coats said. It is filled with thought-provoking topics, educational stories, and positive messaging. ‘Leading a lifestyle of positivity’ is its slogan. Edition8 is not just a magazine, it’s a lifestyle brand that seeks to encourage.”

Edition8 Magazine seeks to be a positive media advocate for a healthy community of self-aware and educated readers.

Alaina J. Coats has a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and a Bachelor of Arts in English from Georgia State University. She holds a Masters of Divinity from the Candler School of Theology at Emory University, as well.

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Edition8 Magazine

Alaina Coats




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