Defense Strategies Institute Organizes 7th Annual Counter Insider Threat Symposium


 Insider threats pose a complex and dynamic risk affecting both the public and private domains. In an increasingly active threat landscape, it is necessary that stakeholders and federal agencies are implementing and collaborating on the most effective practices in mitigating insider threats by accounting for new and increased stressors resulting from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, correcting any flaws with remote work, strengthening cybersecurity and data infrastructure, and understanding the increased risk and reality of economic espionage.

DSI’s Annual Counter-Insider Threat Symposium will host senior level officials from across the US Government, Industry, & Academia to discuss the strategies, technologies, and policies necessary to detect, deter, prevent, and defend against insider threats in all their forms. This Symposium will focus on the plans, procedures, and technologies, essential for identifying, preventing, and protecting against insider risks.

2022 Confirmed Speakers Include:

Dr. Brad Millick, SES

Director, Insider Threat Program,

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security

Rachel Rojas

Assistant Director, Insider Threat Office,

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Sean Thrash

Insider Threat Program Manager,

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Delice Bernhard

Executive Director, Global Security,

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Topics of Discussion Will Include:

– Countering insider threats to support the USG’s efforts to strengthen critical counterintelligence and security programs

– Enhancing government-wide insider threat program frameworks to address and mitigate current and future risks

– Protecting the integrity and credibility of the federal workforce

– Developing DHS’s insider threat program to address domestic extremism

– Ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability across the CIA to counter insider threats

– Enabling AFOSI efforts to detect, deter, and mitigate insider threat activity

– Preserving Naval and Marine Corps superiority through the identification and detection of potential risks across the threat spectrum

– Integrating the social and behavioral sciences as an integral component of every insider threat program

– Facilitating insider threat prevention in the energy sector

Walk away from The Counter-Insider Threat Symposium with knowledge gained from our senior level speakers on some of the complex challenges facing insider threat programs. All attendees are encouraged to address our speaker faculty and each other with their questions, comments or ideas.

Active military, government, and state personnel attend complimentary. Those interested in participating in the Counter Insider Threat Symposium can visit Defense Strategies Institute’s website at

Anyone interested in learning more can contact Nick Liberato-Randall at

Defense Strategies Institute

Nick Liberato-Randall




  • Government