2022 ALA Annual Conference and Exhibition Featured Charles A. Cottom’s Book


The author shared his understanding of the nature of knowledge through his book, which is a product of his (re)search.

San Diego, California – WEBWIRE

This book is a must-read for readers who like philosophical viewpoints.

The inspirational book “Notes From Outside The Box” by Charles A. Cottom was displayed by self-publishing and book marketing company ReadersMagnet at their exhibit at booth 1147 for the 2022 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference & Exhibition on June 24–27, 2022, at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington D.C.

In “Notes From Outside The Box,” Cottom shared with readers, based on the author’s words, a ‘ladder’ to view the nature of the human condition from outside the box of the physical universe. According to the author, “The word Nature applies to the physical universe… Nature concerns the Creative process that creates all that is and can be.” (Italics supplied)

This spiritual book identified the nature of disagreements. The author said: “When one has traveled to distant places, one finds that nearly all people are kind and gracious. This is a common aspect of the human condition. The popular view leads one to believe otherwise. There are stories of strife, conflict, and divisiveness everywhere.”

This book offers a means by which the concrete rules of science can be compared to the intangible laws of faith and belief. This has been and will continue to be a cause of significant conflict and strife throughout the history of humanity.

The book provided readers with a strong sense of the way to look at the human condition. This book answers the questions of why and how we have reached the current pinnacle of accomplishment.

Get a copy of Charles A. Cottom’s “Notes From Outside The Box” on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

“Notes from Outside the Box”

Author | Charles A. Cottom

Published date | July 14, 2011

Publisher | Xlibris

Book retail price | $6.99-$24.99

Author Bio

Charles A. Cottom has always been a Seeker. The syncretization of science and religion had been his continuous endeavor. He is an avid reader, predominately science fiction. He is also the father of eight adult children and ten grandchildren. Charles resides in San Diego to assist his aging parents. He lives a life of quiet meditation. He has written many essays regarding the results of his search. He was a construction inspector on worked projects throughout California.