Attention all kinds of Artists everywhere…”GOT THOSE STARVING ARTIST BLUES?”


Attn: Artists, Writers, Poets, Musicians and Inventors: Here is a poem/potential song lyrics that all kinds of artists everywhere can relate to (and vent to). It’s a poem by Robert M. Barrows called “Got Those Starving Artist Blues?”

SAN MATEO, Calif.July 8, 2022PRLog — Attention all kinds of artists everywhere…

*Trying to get your artwork seen (and sold)?

*Trying to get your writing published?

*Trying to get your music heard?

*Trying to pitch some big ideas to businesses?

*Trying to make a lot of money?

*Ain’t having much success?

*Ain’t having any success at all?

Here is a poem/potential song lyrics that all kinds of artists all over the world can relate to and vent to.

It’s a poem by Robert Barrows, President of an advertising agency called R.M. Barrows Advertising & Public Relations in San Mateo, California.


Copyright 2022, Robert M. Barrows

Some art sells for millions

Some art won’t even sell at

a garage sale…

I’ve got those starving artist blues


If this painting becomes worth

hundreds of millions after I die,

how much can I get for it NOW?

I’ve got those starving artist

starving artist

I’ve got those starving artist blues

I’ve got art nobody’s seen

books nobody’s read

songs nobody’s heard

and an invention that ain’t going nowhere…

I’ve got those starving artist blues

I need money for my rent

I need money for my car

I need money for my food

but nothing seems to be selling…

I’ve got those starving artist blues

I work hard

I play hard

I pray hard

but nothing seems to be happening…

I’ve got those starving artist blues

I send out letters

I send out emails

I make phone calls

I even buy some ads sometimes,

but no one seems to be interested…

I’ve got those starving artist blues

I get emails that say

“Please submit your ideas

through our website”

but you’ve got to give up

all your rights to the work

and let them acquire your

ideas for sometimes a fee of

as low as ten dollars…

I’ve got those starving artist blues

I’ve got poems about business,

poems about love and romance

and poems about all kinds of things…

I’ve got songs about

politics and money, and a lot

of poems that could be

made into all kinds of

great songs…

I’ve got a book about

some advertising math

I developed that can help

all kinds of businesses make

a lot more money…

But not much seems to be happening with

all these great works…

I’ve got those starving artist blues

I invented a video tombstone

that ain’t going nowhere…

I’ve got dreams and ambitions

that are all unfilled…

I’ve got hopes and dreams

and fantasies about achieving

great fame and fortune

but I’ve still got those

starving artist blues

So where do I go from here, Lord?

How can I make my

art more valuable

in my own lifetime

without having to cut

off an ear…or something else?

And what’s the future hold in store for me?

I’ve got those starving artist blues

So, Dear art collectors, music lovers,

book lovers, poetry lovers,

sculpture lovers,

and Dear Media companies too…

I need some press

I need some well connected agents,

and I need a lot more advertising

business, too…

and Lord, could you please

throw in a winning lottery

ticket, too?

I’ve got those starving artist blues

I’ve got proposals to media companies

that can’t get past the mailroom and can’t

get past the admins…

I’ve got emails that wind up in

the junk box, the spam box

the blocked box, or the never even

opened box…

I’ve got letters that say “Sorry we ain’t interested,”

Or “Sorry we don’t take any unsolicited materials”

I’ve got proposals that can’t get

through all the business bureaucracies….

I’ve got those starving artist blues

So now Lord, what do I do?

I’ll keep on trying

keep on writing

and I’ll keep on pitching…

I’ve got those starving artist blues

Hey, you think it’s my lucky day, today?

You think you might want to do a story about me?

You got a news hole to fill?

You got a front page that

needs a great feature?

You got a feel-good segment

that needs some great News…

Give me a call and help rescue

all these great works from


I’ve got those starving artist,

starving artist…

Hey, give me some help here…

I’ve got those starving artist blues.

And, Yes…I am definitely available for an interview,

so please…give me a call!

I’ve got those starving artist blues.


So now, if you would like to find out more about some of these projects, you can see more about some of these things at

And, for more information, contact Robert Barrows at R.M. Barrows, Inc. Advertising & Public Relations at 650-344-4405.