Defence Pensioners requested to complete their Annual Identification immediately


The process of Annual Identification/Life Certification is a statutory requirement for continued and timely credit of monthly pension. However, upon verification of data received as on 30 June 2022, it has been noticed that 22,939 Pensioners who have been migrated to System for Pension Administration (Raksha) i.e. SPARSH, have not completed their annual identification.

Further, in the case of legacy pensioners (pre-2016 retirees who are not on SPARSH) who continue to be on the old system of Pensions, it is informed that nearly 45,500 pensioners have not completed their annual identification through any of the means available.

All Defence Pensioners who are yet to complete their annual identification, have to complete their annual identification/life certification immediately to ensure smooth processing of monthly pension. Annual Identification/Life Certification can be done via the following means:

  1. Via the Digital Jeevan Pramaan online/Jeevan Pramaan Face App for Android Users

  1. Details of installation & usage may be found here:
  2. SPARSH Pensioner:  Please choose Sanctioning Authority as “ Defence – PCDA (P) Allahabad” & Disbursing Authority as “SPARSH – PCDA (Pensions) Allahabad
  3. Legacy Pensioner (pre-2016 Retiree): Please choose your respective Sanctioning Authority as “Defence – Jt.CDA(AF) Subroto Park” or Defence – PCDA (P) Allahabad” or “Defence – PCDA (Navy) Mumbai & Disbursing Authority as your respective pension disbursing bank.

  1. Pensioners may also visit Common Service Centres (CSCs) for completion of Annual Identification. Find your nearest CSC here:
  2. Pensioners may also visit their nearest DPDO for updation of Life Certification. Legacy Pensioners may continue to update their Life Certification with their respective banks.


(Release ID: 1838281)
Visitor Counter : 501