“A Very Naughty Little Girl Goes Camping” by Abigail Strauss is released by Grosvenor House Publishing


“A Very Naughty Little Girl Goes Camping” by Abigail Strauss is released by Grosvenor House Publishing

This is a charming tale that will delight children of all ages

About the Book:

An exciting, funny and at times, sad story about the adventures of ‘A Very Naughty Little Girl’. No matter how hard she tries, Sarah cannot behave herself, much to the exasperation of her best friend, Jennifer, who attempts to help her change her ways.

About the Author:

Abigail Strauss ran her own antique shop and a dolls house business for twenty years. She then had a second career as a reporter and feature writer for her local newspaper. Abigail Strauss’ second children’s book was written during her isolation in the lockdown due to the worldwide coronavirus pandemic of 2020/22. Although Abigail was unable to see her close family for many weeks, she included them all as the characters in her book, which helped her feel closer to them. It also eased the loneliness, which was inevitable at that difficult time.

Excerpt from Book:

“A place had been reserved for them so that their tents were next to each other.

Everyone lent a hand in unloading the cars and erecting the tents. Eventually, they all flopped down on the grass and breathed a sigh of relief – the tents were in position and everything in its place.

“Can we go and explore now?” asked Nick, as all the children jumped to their feet.

“Have a glass of orange juice before you go, you must all be thirsty after your hard work,” said Vicky.

As the children scampered off, closely followed by Rusty, the mums and dads relaxed for a while and then set up the stove to boil the kettle for cups of tea.

Vicky said, “Let’s make this a holiday to remember!”

“A Very Naughty Little Girl Goes Camping” by Abigail Strauss is available in hardback from Amazon at:


This book is also available in paperback format from Amazon at:


You can also download the e-book version from:


Press/Media Contact Details:

Grosvenor House Publishing

Tel. 0208 339 6060

E-mail: info ( @ ) grosvenorhousepublishing dot co.uk
