League of Extraordinary Women Opens for a Free Trial on June 21, 2022


 Did you know that as women, we have the physiological structure and resources to operate at a very, very, very high level of performance? And the complexity of a woman’s endocrine system that supports us?

As ambitious women, there is nothing we cannot do & be. But making time for ourselves & asking for help can be hard. Running a household, leading an organization, and managing our health while also working on our dreams & living to the fullest… It takes a village.

The League of Extraordinary Women offers an opportunity to create your own experience; it is a self-guided, on-demand resource for executive women to help them achieve, maintain, and enjoy success. It provides curated teachings, esoteric tools & practical solutions on the topics of fitness, nutrition, lifestyle, time mastery and mental brilliance.

Free trial access is available from June 21 until July 5, 2022 at www.elitemystiqueagency.com

Sara Oblak Speicher MBA and Dianne Sykes, MS NSCA are a Slovenia-native now a New Yorker girls-mom who never sticks to a baking recipe, and a 90’s hip hop loving Doc Martens wearing single mama. Both are former elite athletes.

Sara is a master life & business coach, quantum strategist and transformational mentor, and Dianne is a clinical physiologist, fitness and nutrition coach, and Kundalini Yoga teacher.

Both Sara and Dianne have become masterful at maximizing time, conserving energy and circulating it effectively. It is what they do. It’s how they live. Indeed, everything they teach they have experienced as mothers, wives in multi-ethnic marriages, householders, partners, cross-continental ops experts, entrepreneurs, and visionary leaders.

Pooling their insights of serving 2,500 clients successfully, and 45+ years of combined international experiences, they established Elite Mystique Agency Inc,. and within it the League of Extraordinary Women.

Elite Mystique Agency Inc.

Sara Oblak Speicher





  • Women in Business