Merna Victor follows up with a second children’s book “The Squirrel Family”


From the author of “The Fox Family” comes a new heartwarming children’s story about a family’s interaction with squirrels.

San Diego, CA, USA – WEBWIRE

Get a copy of “The Squirrel Family” signed by Merna Victor at the 2022 ALA Annual Conference & Expo.

Do squirrels make good house pets? Know the answer in Merna Victor’s new illustrated children’s book “The Squirrel Family” (Fulton Books; 2022).

The story starts with a family – a mother, Margie, and her children, nine-year-old Dennis and eight-year-old Susie – taking an outdoor walk along a two-way bicycle path surrounded by trees and frequented by walkers, joggers, and bicyclists. They see a variety of animals along the trail, such as birds, foxes and squirrels.

Squirrels happen to be active on that autumn day. The family has fun observing and taking pictures of squirrels. Then Dennis and Susie ask their mother if they could get a pet – and they would like to adopt a squirrel. Would Margie agree to them keeping a squirrel as a house pet?

Order a copy of “The Squirrel Family” by Merna Victor today on Amazon.

Merna Victor will be signing copies of her book “The Squirrel Family” and having a chat with potential readers on June 26, 2022, 1:45 PM to 2:45 PM Eastern Time at booth 1147 hosted by self-publishing and book marketing company ReadersMagnet for the 2022 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference & Exhibition.

“The Squirrel Family”

Author | Merna Victor

Published date | January 12, 2022

Publisher | Fulton Books

Book retail price | $14.35

Author Bio

Merna Victor has lived in Massachusetts most of her life except when her husband was in the Navy, they lived in Washington, DC for two years; then, when he did training in Baltimore, Maryland for three years. They chose to return home to the Boston area to be near family and friends. She has two wonderful, imaginative daughters. She is active in politics, especially where civil rights are concerned.