International Non-Profit Cyber Institute Named as an NGO Partner with United States Agency for International Development (USAID)


 The Cyber Institute has recently been assessed and approved as a United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Partner. USAID selectively partners with development organizations working to make sustainable changes in local communities and around the world. Taylor Vance of the Cyber Institute expressed that “this partnership helps our organization expand programs with USAID and connect with a growing community of experienced USAID partners.” USAID is working to mitigate the cybersecurity risks stemming from accelerated digital technology adoption. As reliance on digital technology expands within an ecosystem, so do the number of vulnerabilities, creating the conditions for a steep rise in cybercrime, data harvesting, targeting, and surveillance. Failing to mitigate these vulnerabilities poses material threats to critical USAID partner countries, which can destabilize the digital ecosystem as a whole, threatens USAID’s efforts to improve social and economic well-being, and can undermine partner country government legitimacy in the public eye.

The Cyber Institute’s Center for Cyber Risk Research and Policy and Center for Women and Minorities in the Cyber Workforce will contribute cybersecurity and workforce development programming and advisory support to USAID’s cyber initiatives. Cybersecurity is critical to both the programmatic and operational success of USAID assistance and USAID has announced it will be a key part of each phase of their program cycle. USAID has said, “it should be thought of as a core thread that runs through all aspects of USAID’s technology programs in order to ensure digital sustainability and resiliency as this will ultimately protect USAID investments and build the cyber resilience of partner countries.” The Cyber Institute will initially focus on programs in high conflict areas in Europe and Africa.

About Cyber Institute

Cyber Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and international NGO that advises government and industry on matters related to cyber policy, pathways into the workforce, and cyber education curriculum. Our vision is to ensure a safer and more inclusive cyber world. Our mission is to increase access to education, employment, and workforce development to ensure they will have greater career opportunities while also empowering them to safeguard our digital world. By increasing access to education, employment, and workforce development, we believe the communities we serve will have greater opportunities for self-determination and self-reliance. Reach us at and find us at


Andrew Vance

Executive Director

5 Union Square West, Suite 1124

New York, NY 10003

800-357-8315 or 646-598-6534

Cyber Institute

Andrew Vance




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