Hong Kong – SIE Fund invites proposals for provision of intermediary services to design and administer innovative programmes


SIE Fund invites proposals for provision of intermediary services to design and administer innovative programmes


     The Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) Task Force announced today (June 2) the invitation of proposals from interested parties to serve as the new batch of intermediaries to design and administer innovative programmes under the Fund.

     The SIE Fund has engaged intermediaries as strategic partners to design and deliver funding and incubation programmes to meet the needs of the social innovation space. Services of the batch of intermediaries engaged by the Fund in 2020 are due to expire and the Fund is planning to engage a new batch of intermediaries to further take forward the Fund’s work. Interested parties are invited to submit proposals for innovative programmes by 6pm on August 4. Multiple intermediaries will be engaged to nurture and incubate social innovators or ventures of different forms and at different stages of development with innovation, diversity and impact.

     An invitation brief setting out the scope of services, the eligibility and submission requirements, the assessment process and selection criteria, as well as key engagement terms are available for download at the SIE Fund website (www.sie.gov.hk/en/intermediaries/invitation2022.page). For further information and inquiries, please visit the SIE Fund website or contact the SIE Fund Task Force Secretariat at 2165 7261.

     The SIE Fund was inaugurated in 2013 and is overseen by the SIE Fund Task Force under the Commission on Poverty. By facilitating social innovation and cultivating social entrepreneurship, the SIE Fund aims to make an impact in alleviating poverty and social exclusion, promote social integration as well as enhance the well-being and cohesion of society. Two batches of intermediaries were engaged in 2015 and 2020 to design and deliver innovative programmes.