Margaret Moschak Pens a Gripping Memoir “My Alcoholic, My Love” to Reach Out to People Living With Alcoholic Loved Ones


The author presents a powerful narrative on how one can say ‘no’ and break from a toxic relationship involving alcoholism.

San Diego, California – WEBWIRE

Don’t miss the book display of “My Alcoholic, My Love” by Margaret Moschak at the 2022 ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition.

Margaret Moschak shares how living with an alcoholic spouse is no walk in the park for any marriage in her self-help memoir “My Alcoholic, My Love: My Love and Loss of an Alcoholic Husband” (Covenant Books; 2020).

“My Alcoholic, My Love” reveals the grim reality of life in homes torn apart by alcoholism – the untold sufferings and miseries that families have to endure from alcoholic loved ones. The author’s story is a gripping story of a wife who crumbled under the weight of her husband Roger’s alcoholism over the years.

“The signs of alcoholism were always there,” Moschak wrote in the chapter “A Fool’s Paradise,” “but I was too blind to see them, even though Roger and I dated off and on for over five years before we married.”

She continued: “Roger usually drank to ease his way. He needed alcohol to get through social situations, and he often did become more pleasant and relaxed once he had that first drink. In my admiration for him, I managed to ignore the reality of his drinking.

“But then, like most at that time, I knew so little about the gradations of alcoholism. An alcoholic was a bum lying in a doorway in the bowery, not the man I was dating.”

By sharing her story in “My Alcoholic, My Love,” the author gives the suffering spouses and their families a much needed voice. By breaking her silence, she reveals to the world that families of alcoholics are victims as well, also needing rescue and comfort more so than their alcoholic loved ones. Moschak’s story speaks for the many individuals – some of them ashamed of being enablers of their loved ones’ drinking habit – who care so much for their alcoholic loved ones and finally find the courage to say ‘enough.’

Order a copy of Margaret Moschak’s “My Alcoholic, My Love: My Love and Loss of an Alcoholic Husband” today on Amazon and the author’s website at

“My Alcoholic, My Love” will be displayed by self-publishing and book marketing company ReadersMagnet at their exhibit at booth 1147 for the 2022 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference & Exhibition on June 23-28, 2022, at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington D.C.

“My Alcoholic, My Love”: My Love and Loss of an Alcoholic Husband

Author | Margaret Moschak

Published date | August 13, 2020

Publisher | Covenant Books

Book retail price | $16.62

Author Bio

Margaret Jackson Moschak has spent most of her life studying people – whether employed as a secretary in a welfare office, teaching in high school, encouraging young students to love reading, working in local politics, or managing an art exhibiting group and always searching out why people interact as they do with one another. Ms. Moschak earned an M.A. at the State University of New York at Albany. Part of a very large family of northern New York, she now lives in Ithaca, New York, where she is a Taoist Tai Chi instructor. She has three sons, a daughter, and five grandchildren.