New Book Published by Carrie Scharf of Carrie’s Handmade Essentials


 Carrie’s Herbal Infused Skincare Cookbook : A Beginners Guide to Creating Your Own Personalized Skincare

“Attractive and easy to follow guide that eases you into the wide world of botanical healing and relaxation.” -Shannon Jones

Published on Amazon March 10, 2022.

Priced $9.99 e-book and $14.95 paperback

Carrie Scharf has a skincare business (Carrie’s Handmade Essentials) and is the author of Herbal Infused Skincare: How to use herbs and flowers for glowing skin. Carrie’s experience making skincare and experimenting with ingredients inspired her to write her books. Carrie has an associate in arts degree from Mayland Community College and a BS from the Universiy of North Carolina at Asheville. Carrie lives and works out of her home in West Virginia. She homeschools her two boys and plays clarinet with the Charleston Metro Band.

This book is for beginners who would like to learn how to use plants and oils to make natural skincare that is tailored to their skin’s specific needs. In it you will read about plants, oils and other ingredients and what they can do for your skin. You will also find over 20 recipes for things like lip balm, skin moisturizers, face cream, cleansers and bath items.

For further information, please contact Carrie Scharf at 828-332-7003, or

Social Media: Twitter @carrieslipbalm, Facebook @CHandmadeEssentials and Instagram @carrieshandmadeessentials

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Carrie’s Handmade Essentials

Carrie Scharf




  • Books