Aaron Rodriguez explains how to improve the customer experience to achieve greater business success


Customer experience is one of the clear foundations of a successful business, and Aaron Rodriguez explains how this can be achieved.

San José, Costa Rica – WEBWIRE

Customer experience is the new battleground in today’s competitive business world. While many companies realize the importance of providing an excellent customer experience, there is still a large gap between customer satisfaction and company expectations. Aaron Rodriguez, a business optimization expert, provides his insight and lists some practices that can help your company deliver a better customer experience.

Among the specialist’s first suggestions, listening to customers from Omni-Channel stands out. Before providing customer service, it is important to listen to your customers from an omnichannel.

“Social Listening is reliable for companies to interact with more customers in real-time,” Rodriguez suggests. “With scraping social media tools, companies can automate the process of collecting customer feedback from websites with less effort and lower labor costs.”

Then there is the measurement of the customer experience throughout the customer journey. When it comes to the customer experience measurement matrix, many companies only focus on touchpoints, such as individual transactions. Rodriguez’s research shows that customer journey performance is strongly correlated with customer satisfaction and business outcomes.

Multi-channel, multi-touchpoint, hyper-competitive consumer market presents companies with a multitude of challenges. Companies can verify customer experience at every stage of the transaction by using a journey-centric measurement matrix. Only this way will they be able to understand how to improve customer service delivery, customer satisfaction, and retention.

Rodriguez recommends that you use EDM (Email Direct Marketing) to help customers. Email marketing is a proven method of customer retention and conversion. Statistics show that 59% of B2B marketers believe that email is the most efficient channel for revenue generation.

Rodriguez states, “Only when customers reach their goals and objectives, can yours be achieved. You may have to use customer segmentation techniques to send the right messages to specific customer groups. Personalization techniques can be used to make sure that each recipient is treated like an individual.”

Develop comprehensive self-service resources for your customers. Any tool or information that can help a customer or user solve a problem on their own is considered a self-service tool. Generally speaking, self-service resources include an online knowledge base, FAQ (frequently asked questions section), tutorials and guides (text, infographics, or video), online community forums, and automated chatbots.

In most cases, customers prefer to solve their problems on their own right away, rather than waiting. If self-service options are not out-of-the-box, you should probably invest more time and money in developing comprehensive and easily accessible self-service options for your customers.

Paying attention to the emotion/sentiment of your customers is of utmost importance. Sentiment analysis tools help you understand the sentimentality of your customer conversation on a large scale. Effective sentiment analysis allows you to do Sentiment Analysis for Hotel Reviews, for example. You can collect positive, neutral, or negative feedback from your customers in real time.

This way, you can optimize online marketing campaigns accordingly. More importantly, it helps prevent or lessen the negative impact of social media crises. There are numerous sentiment analysis tools on the market, specialized for different industries and applications.

And finally, don’t forget to use automated tools to facilitate customer experience management. Thanks to the development of information technology, automation is an inevitable trend in today’s digital world. “You no longer need to tackle all things manually in today’s fast-changing business world. Automated software allows you to achieve the same results more effectively,” Rodriguez explains.

Customer experience management (CEM) software is a great integration of customer listening and feedback data analysis. It provides a single but complete view of the customer experience.

About Aaron Rodriguez

Aaron Rodriguez is an expert eCommerce consultant in Latin America. He helps businesses throughout the region optimize all of their eCommerce operations to increase sales and retain customers, and also has extensive experience in the development of strategic and external alliances to promote departmental and organizational objectives. He has traveled extensively throughout Latin America to assist a number of companies and, when he’s not traveling, he dedicates all of his available time to his wife and children.