WCA Presents “Legal Aspects of Credit and Collections” Webinar


 In this fast-paced hour devoted entirely to the legal aspects that affect the daily operations of the successful credit and collection department, David Balovich discusses the numerous day to day legal occurrences that credit professionals deal with that can affect productivity, success, and failures.

– Learn the difference between Credit Agreements and Credit Applications and why Credit Applications are becoming obsolete.

– Learn the importance of knowing your customer’s correct legal name.

– Learn about the pitfalls of personal and corporate guaranties and how to make them effective.

– Learn when the customer’s purchase order terms is a valid reason for the customer to pay beyond your terms of sale and how to avoid it.

– Learn how and the importance of being a secured creditor and easy it is to become one.

– Learn about the Unclaimed Property Act and its requirements.

This Webinar will be held on May 18th , 2022 at 9:00 AM Central Time. At the low cost of one registration fee ($65/$79) (one phone/internet connection), as many people as you wish in your office can view the Webinar. Easy-to-follow instructions will be sent with your meeting confirmation.

The Association is a recognized authority in the Business Credit profession serving thousands of Business Credit professionals in Wisconsin and nationwide. To register online, visit wcacredit.org/webinar-seminar-registration. For more information or to register, contact The Business Credit Management Association Wisconsin at 262-289.1221


Chrys Gregoire





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