“Storm Over South Central”


 Engaging short stories and thought-provoking poems are part of author Charles L. Chatmon’s new book Storm Over South Central.

Storm Over South Central offers readers an interesting read of Chatmon’s points of view of the oft-mentioned community while at the same time, humanizes its characters in the short stories in facing life altering decisions that affects the people close to them. Other tales are humorous and can be described as fables revealing issues that are not exclusive to South Los Angeles.

Readers will discover topics in Chatmon’s poems to be informative, eye-opening and hopefully will spark conversation. Subjects such as gun violence by law enforcement, romance, standing for truth plus many others are bound to whet the reader’s appetite for positive, conscious messages.

About Charles L. Chatmon

Charles L. Chatmon is an author/poet who lives in the city of Los Angeles, California.

Chatmon’s Books

Charles L. Chatmon





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