Author Troy Louis Guides Readers Back to the Securing Love of the Father in His Book “Honor Your Body”


1 Corinthians 6:19-20 – “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.”


With the rise of social media, flex culture also found its way into society. From flaunting materialistic designer items to seemingly perfect physical appearance–people seem to find satisfaction in the validation they get through social media–but does this lead to confidence or insecurity? In a book that explores identity, author Troy Louis draws readers back to the Bible to find God’s definition of humanity.


“The book ‘Honor God with Your Body’ is a book that helps the reader to know who they are apart from who they may have tried to be. God has freely given everyone everything they need from birth and His desire is for us to use our talents, gifts, and abilities to our highest potential. To live a life free of comparing and trying to be like someone else. People may seem perfect on the outside but in reality, they may be miserable on the inside behind closed doors. This book is designed to protect you from yourself and other bad advisors. To put the joy back into our minds about ourselves, so we can love ourselves again.” –Troy writes.


Troy invites readers to see themselves through the eyes of a loving Father. He reintroduces self-worth, self-respect, and identity as he ushers the reader toward the grace of God. Troy also wrote the book in simple prose that allows an easier read, which he also laces with scriptures for inspiration.


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Honor God With Your Body

Author: Troy Louis

Publisher: Your Online Publicist

Published Date: April 2022

Book Genre: Christian Books & Bibles › Christian Living


About the Author:

Troy Louis the author of this book, “Honor God with Your Body.” A person that loves to encourage, loves to give to anyone a Godly solution to the problems that someone might have in the present time of their Iives. Writing is another way that Troy encourages and influences the people in and around his life. Most of his life he never had an interest in reading much less writing; however, in this season of his life God has put in Troy a desire to write and share with many God’s revelation and truth of life experience. In writing his second book, Troy wanted to share the Lord’s inspiration “Not knowing my future in writing but definitely embracing it in the moment” the belief in chasing a passion with all of a person’s heart and soul with the Lord at the center of it.