Sedjo’s “The Adventures of Itty Bitty Bunny and the Coyotes” Will Be Displayed at the LA Times Festival of Books 2022


Want to know more? Get a copy of Roger A. Sedjo’s “The Adventures of Itty Bitty Bunny and the Coyotes,” available at Fulton Books, and visit the upcoming LA Times Festival of Books 2022.


Roger A. Sedjo is a retired Senior Fellow at Resources for the Future, a Washington-based independent think tank focusing on resources and the environment. He has been heavily involved in UN Global Climate Assessments and is a shared contributed to the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. He has written or edited 16 books related to forestry, natural resources, and climate and hundreds of peer-reviewed papers. Sedjo served on a National Science Foundation panel, the Forest Service Committee of Scientists, and the EPA Scientific Advisory Board addressing questions of carbon and climate.

He was president of the Environmental Literacy Council, a nonprofit educational organization. Sedjo has received numerous awards, including a Fulbright Scholarship, Sloan and PERC fellowships and an honorary doctorate from SUNY. Additionally, he has consulted for the World Bank, UNDP, Asian Development Bank, USAID, FAO visiting scientist, OECD, and other international organizations. Sedjo published his first children’s book in 2021. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Washington.