From Candice Uy Chan, “Writings From The Heart” to Help the Reader Find Joy in the Written Word


For the new author, there’s so much to write about in life and worth sharing with others amid today’s gloom and doom.

Manila, PH – WEBWIRE

Await the book display of Candice Uy Chan’s “Writings From The Heart” at the LA Times Festival of Books 2022.

How best to help people today renew their zest for life in an increasingly digital world than to write – and share one’s writings? Candice Uy Chan did just that with her book “Writings From The Heart: A Collection Of Narrative Poems, Lyric Poems, and Essays” (ReadersMagnet; 2022).

“Writings From The Heart” is a delightful pick-me-up book, which the author hopes will continuously inspire people to read and appreciate the written word. The book is a thoughtful and inspiring collection of poems and essays written over a period of almost two decades. It touches on themes such as nature, fairy tales, famous people, and human emotions. The author draws on experiences, mostly imagined and created, or of television series watched and stories read about and then wrote them in the form of poems or essays.

Gain a renewed appreciation for the (beauty of) written word in Candice Uy Chan’s “Writings From The Heart: A Collection Of Narrative Poems, Lyric Poems, and Essays.” Order a copy today through Amazon and ReadersMagnet online bookstore.

“Writings From The Heart” will be displayed by self-publishing and book marketing company ReadersMagnet at their exhibit at booth 208 for the 2022 Los Angeles Times Festival of Books on April 23-24, 2022, at the USC Campus, Los Angeles, CA.

Writings From The Heart: A Collection Of Narrative Poems, Lyric Poems, and Essays

Author | Candice Uy Chan

Published date | March 2022

Publisher | ReadersMagnet

Book retail price | $15.13

Author Bio

Candice Uy Chan grew up in a household where books were always present. During her school years, she would spend hours in the Library poring over books. Having a vivid imagination and a natural affinity for the English language, she decided to try her hand at Creative Writing. Encouraged by the results, she has continued to write over the years. She continues to find inspiration in the things, people, and experiences around her. She currently resides in Manila, Philippines.