Hong Kong – FEHD announces investigation results of suspected breaches of legislation by catering premises in Wan Chai


FEHD announces investigation results of suspected breaches of legislation by catering premises in Wan Chai


     The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department today (April 6) announced the investigation results of cases involving suspected breaches of legislation at a banquet that took place in a catering premises in Wan Chai in the evening of January 3 this year. A spokesman for the FEHD said that a summons was issued to the catering premises and a total of seven fixed penalty notices (FPNs) had been issued to six customers.

     There was extensive press coverage in early January on a banquet that took place in a catering premises in Wan Chai for suspected breaches of the applicable directions under the subsidiary legislation of the Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance and other legislation, and great public concern was aroused. Upon learning that suspected breaches of legislation might have been involved in the banquet, the FEHD immediately initiated an investigation in consideration of the public interest.

     According to the applicable directions under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F) prevailing at that time, the operator of the catering premises was suspected to have failed to display the correct layout plan of “Designated Zone D” and the suitable notice of air change per hour on-site. The FEHD has issued a summons to the catering premises concerned and plea-taking is scheduled for April 22.

     In addition, the FEHD issued a total of seven FPNs to six customers. Four FPNs were related to the violation of applicable directions under Cap. 599F on the requirement for using the “LeaveHomeSafe” mobile application to scan the venue QR code, and the other three FPNs were related to the violation of the mask-wearing requirement under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Wearing of Mask) Regulation (Cap. 599I). All payments of the fixed penalties have been settled.