President, DIGroup Architecture Guests On WRNJ Radio


During a wide-ranging conversation, Host Bert Baron, touched on many aspects of the company’s vast array of projects such as the one at Phillipsburg High School. Myers stated, “Buildings are such a great platform for interaction and enjoying life and enjoying what you do within a building, the bottom line for us is creating and designing great structures that have the flexibility for today’s technology.”

When asked if and how the pandemic has affected work, Myers explained the difficulties dealing with supply chains. Myers continued, “The pressure is even greater because our society is built on speed and getting things done.”

With there being many different architectural firms, Baron asked Myers what makes DIGroup Architecture different from the rest. Myers responded with, “Our message has been our story, our history, how we built the firm, our diversity in the firm, the importance that we have in terms of having a successful project in a community that embraces people.”

To listen to the interview, please click here.


Vincent Myers is President and co-founding member of DIGroup Architecture – an award-winning, majority black-owned architectural firm headquartered in New Brunswick, New Jersey. He has helped grow the firm to include a rich, diverse portfolio of projects for senior living clients, nationally, and healthcare, civic and education clients throughout New Jersey, New York and the Greater Philadelphia Area. He is a recognized leader in educating clients in designing spaces to fit the complex needs of the new aging generation, from independent living residents to those requiring skilled nursing and memory care services. Recently his efforts have focused on preparing for the design of the next generation of senior facilities within urban areas. He serves as a guest speaker on the future of aging, sharing insights with leading developers and operators of senior living communities.

He is a Board Member of Springpoint Senior Living and the Mary Owen Borden Foundation. He also mentors high school students through The ACE Mentor Program of America (ACE) – a national program designed to attract high school students to careers in the Architecture, Construction and Engineering industry.

Vince was named a ‘Difference Maker’ by ROI-NJ in their ‘ROI Influencers: People of Color 2021’ segment and was a recent guest on New Jersey Business Podcast and Health Professional Radio”, and named a ‘Top Influencer In Senior Housing’ by GlobeSt. Real Estate Forum. His work and influence are featured across the country.


DIGroup Architecture is a certified Minority-owned, Disadvantaged-owned, and Small Business Enterprise (MBE/DBE/SBE) specializing in architecture, planning, interior design and environmental graphics, signage and wayfinding services for Senior Living, Education, Healthcare and Civic clients. The company takes great pride in its ethnically and culturally diverse staff who are passionate about architecture.

DIG originated as a consortium of several small architectural firms who formed an alliance to collaborate and compete for large projects issued by the NJ Schools Development Authority that revitalized the state’s most under-served public school districts. This collaboration became so successful at delivering many of the state’s most significant, community-centered design projects that the firms formally merged in 2006. The profound impact these projects had on the most basic human need of health and wellness, brought a whole new meaning and purpose to the firm. From that point forward, “Architecture for Change” became our story, design philosophy and commitment to clients to re-imagine structures and environments to unite people, enhance well-being and enrich communities.

DIG’s successes have not gone unnoticed; in 2021, the company was selected as one of the 2021 Leaders in Real Estate, Construction, and Design in the Architecture category by NJBIZ, and was ranked among the top Minority Businesses and Architectural firms by both NJBIZ and Philadelphia Business Journal.

Today, DIGroup Architecture is exponentially growing, its reach spanning New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York. For more information on the firm, please contact: Debra Koehler, at dkoehler ( @ ) digrouparchitecture dot com or 732 dot 249 dot 6242 X110 dot

Media Contact:

Amy Delman

Amy Delman Public Relations, LLC


amydelmanpr ( @ ) verizon dot net
