Traverse Bay Farms Launches Fun and Informative Videos on TikTok


Traverse Bay Farms, winner of 35+ national food awards, announces it has launched a fun and informative video series campaign on TikTok for foodies.

Traverse Bay Farms announces the launch of a 250+ video series. This series will feature easy-to-make healthy recipes, as well as step-by-step harvest related videos on TikTok. Here is a link to the Traverse Bay Farms TikTok profile:

Traverse Bay Farms, winner of 35+ national food awards, announced it has created a series of educational and fun videos exclusively created for the TikTok platform.

The company offers cherry juice concentrate, tart cherry capsules, nationally award-winning fruit and gourmet salsa, dried cherries and more.

According to Andy LaPointe, Director of Marketing, “TikTok offers a great opportunity to reach out to our current customers and new potential customers with fun and entertaining videos. Our team will be uploading these videos over the next few weeks. This new video series offers a number of step-by-step harvest videos and quick recipe videos, too. In total, this is a series that will have over 250+ short videos showing viewers simple-and-easy recipe ideas and how food is grown and harvested.”

Today, consumers want to know how their food is grown and how it is harvested. The new video series from Traverse Bay Farms not only provides short and informative harvest videos, but also great tasting and simple recipe ideas for every meal of the day.

Mr. LaPointe continued, “We recently concluded an in-depth customer survey. In the survey, we asked the participants if they would be interested in learn more about growing, harvesting and production practices of the food they eat. An overwhelming 79% of the respondents said they would be very interested in discovering more about the food they eat.”

About Traverse Bay Farms / Fruit Advantage

Winner of 35+ national food awards at America’s largest and most competitive food competitions. Traverse Bay Farms is the #1 award winning super fruit company in America.

Offering an all-natural line of fruit salsa, fruit barbecue, dried fruit including dried cherries, dried blueberries and more. In addition, Traverse Bay Farms offers cherry juice concentrate and teaches about health benefits of cherry juice.

Fruit Advantage is the sister brand an offers a complete line of condition-specific, fruit-based supplements including tart cherry capsules, blueberry capsules, pomegranate capsules. In addition, Fruit Advantage offers a patented formula combining tart cherries with glucosamine and chondriotin. This one-of-a-kind supplement is called Cherry Prime – Complete Muscle and Joint Complex.