Dr. Angela Butts Chester Talks Legacy and Family with Stardom 101 Magazine


 Stardom101 Magazine is an American entertainment, business and lifestyle online and print publication that publishes annually. Since 2010, Stardom101 Magazine remains to be the destination for featured news, upcoming musicians, in-depth interviews, fashion trends, new products, entertainment, events and continues to be the source for entrepreneurs, businesses and cultural millennials abroad.

Today, STARDOM is recognized for taking its combination of culture and lifestyle to the next level with a clear, authentic point of view that’s relatable to the modern-day citizen. Stardom 101 Magazine interviewed Dr. Angela Butts Chester, as part of its Black History Month Legacy Edition.

When asked what’s the inspiration behind what you do, Dr. Angela Chester answers with enthusiasm, “To help people get unstuck and find clarity.” She continues, “We are hearing more and more about how people are experiencing anxiety and depression, midlife crisis, and general feelings of being overwhelmed or exhausted. Unfortunately, these are all too common expressions when one’s life path is uncertain.”

As part of the Black History Month Legacy Edition, Dr. Chester, talks about her family and how they are in part a driving force for her to add to that legacy. Stardom asked what message are you hoping to get across to the people by doing what you do? Dr. Angela, says. “Live a full life. I look at my grandfather, Atty. William D. Butts, my uncle Rev. E. Wellington Butts (both of whom have been mentioned in several books including Hidden Figures) my father Robert, and my mother Naomi. Each of them doing something bigger than themselves.”

“As an attorney, my grandfather helped the Black community gain access when dealing with inequality. My uncle the first President of Black Presbyterians United (now the National Black Presbyterian Caucus) helped bring the community together through faith. My father helped beauty to the community through design as an architect. My mother brought kindness and care to the community as an elementary school nurse’s assistant. Each of them helps the next person be their best. So, it is in my DNA.”

Dr. Angela has a firm understanding of what it means to be leader. “In service to another, you find meaning, direction, and purpose. My tagline which I mention every day on my radio show Daily Spark with Dr. Angela, or weekly on Daily Spark TV, to “enlighten, inspire, and empower” reminds me of my purpose; I understand the assignment.”

Dr. Angela Chester

Dr. Angela Butts Chester



FB/IG/Twitter: @drangelachester



  • African American