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Toyota Supports Humanitarian Efforts to Help Ukraine Emergency Situation

Like everyone around the world, Toyota is watching the ongoing developments in Ukraine with great concern for the safety of people of Ukraine and hopes for a safe return to peace as soon as possible.

Toyota has started to provide humanitarian assistance to those who are suffering. This includes direct assistance to Toyota’s Ukrainian employees and their families and to Ukrainian refugees, as well as corporate donations up to approximately 2.5 million euros.

1. Support for Ukrainian employees and their families

– More than 1700 Ukrainian employees work in Toyota’s European entities, mainly in countries neighbouring Ukraine, such as the production plants in the Czech Republic (TMMCZ) and Poland (TMMP). Since the early days of the conflict, Toyota employees at TMMCZ and TMMP, with company support, set up transportation, shelter, and access to medical services, as well as administrative support to families of Ukrainian employees forced to flee Ukraine.

– A Toyota Humanitarian Aid Fund was established to provide relocation support, including accommodation and meals, to Ukrainian employees and their families. Employees of Toyota throughout Europe can make donations to this fund, which will be matched by the company.

2. Support for the affected populations in Ukraine and countries in the region

a) Donations to the Red Cross and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency

– Toyota Motor Corporation (Japan) will donate 500,000 euros to UNHCR.

– In addition to the Toyota Humanitarian Aid Fund, employees of Toyota’s European entities (national distributors, manufacturing plants, and other support companies) are encouraged to donate through a pan-European fundraising campaign to either the Red Cross or UNHCR.

– For donations by employees to either the corporate fund or the Red Cross and UNHCR, every euro donated through the campaign will be quadrupled through a corporate donation of maximum two million euros by a group of Toyota’s European entities: Toyota Motor Europe, Toyota Financial Services, Toyota Insurance Management, Toyota Connected Europe, and KINTO Europe.

b) In-kind donations and employee pro-bono activities

– Toyota employees are also volunteering their support for the provision of temporary housing in Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, and other countries, and to provide language interpretation for refugees.

– To further enable the above, Toyota Motor Europe (TME) is allowing up to 40 paid hours per member to participate in these activities via its pro-bono volunteering program

– Several employees of Toyota in Europe are also working full-time to help organise a scheme matching refugees with hosts and on logistics.

Toyota Motor Europe is responsible for all Western, Central and Eastern European countries including Turkey and Russia as well as Israel and a number of Central Asian markets (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Kazakhstan).

Topic: Press release summary

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