Mehr ApS amazing painters have worked hard for many hours but have in turn achieved an amazing result. By far most of the wall surfaces, they have been filled with colored filler, which is probably the most popular in painting work at the moment. It gives the rooms a raw but cozy and warm look.
There had been a lot of cleaning and sanding involved to get the walls ready, the employees of Mehr ApS executed to perfection. The surface got sanded down and cleaned, so it was ready for the painted filler.
It has been an immense pleasure, for Mehr ApS and the co-workers to take part in such a project. The work that has been done was well executed and gave a beautiful terrace clearing out towards the water.
Now we have been through the whole process with the colored filler, these projects always excite all of Mehr ApS. So we hope get to do similar projects in the near future.
MEHR ApS is a two-part company running both a painting firm contracted to work sites and a website with a physical shop as well, where you can buy Flügger paint. There atm. around 20 people working at the painting firm.