Calgary’s The Biz Dojo Inc. Goes from Podcast to Winner of Four Gold Stevie® Awards in International Business Competition


 The Biz Dojo Inc. was awarded an astonishing 4 Gold Stevie® Awards in the 16th annual Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service last night.

Starting as a podcast in late 2020, The Biz Dojo Inc. was founded by Seth Anderson and J.P. Gaston. The duo sought a creative outlet during the pandemic, and wanted to share their networks, and extensive leadership and coaching experience.

The podcast found significant success early, earning recognition for both content and creativity as winners of a Gold AVA Digital Award and Gold Hermes award in early 2021. This success lead to incorporation as a full-service coaching and consulting firm just 6 months after the first episode dropped.

Through 2021, the business and podcast grew significantly, with guests ranging from professional storytellers and local entrepreneurs to professional athletes, musicians, and Top Chef champions. This would earn the duo a second Gold AVA Digital Award while their work as coaches and business consultants landed The Biz Dojo Inc. a nomination to the CanadianSME National Business Awards (awards to be determined later this year).

This week, recognition came from The Stevie® Awards – with the pair earning top honours in four categories of customer service and bringing home Gold level awards. This would be an amazing accomplishment for major brands and those with large workforces, but for a duo with a business less than 2 years old – this is extremely rarified air.

Even more rare, the four awards recognize work across all of The Biz Dojo’s business streams:

– Business Development Achievement of the Year (Media & Entertainment)

– Best Use of Thought Leadership in Business Development

– Training Team of the Year – Business Services Industry

– Training Team of the Year – Other Industries

“All of the nominees deserve to be recognized for their amazing work. The awards are amazing, but really it says just as much about our incredible podcast guests, coaching clients, business partners, sponsors, family and friends as it does about our business,” said J.P.

Seth adds, “We work with some amazing people every day, and we’re so proud of the nomination. For those nominations to turn into awards, and the recognition we’re receiving… it’s just all the more inspiring and motivating for us. We’re so grateful.”

The duo are currently working on recording their fourth season of The Biz Dojo podcast, and continue to strive to connect with people, stories and insights that help listeners gain perspective on becoming their very best version of themselves. They continue to provide leadership training and coaching for individuals or businesses, and are also now providing media production and podcasting consultation to small, medium and large corporate clients.

As J.P. describes, “Our passion for coaching extends beyond one-on-one conversations. We connect businesses to their people – and we help them build programs that will make a difference every day. Our media production is just an extension of that offering. We want to help build meaningful content with great production value that really connects with clients, customers, suppliers, or whomever the audience might be.”

More details about The Biz Dojo Inc. can be found through their social media accounts (LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) or through their website,

The Biz Dojo Inc.

J.P. Gaston




  • Awards