Japan – MHI Group Presents “Best Innovation 2021” Awards for Activities that Contribute to Mitigating Impacts on the Global Environment


Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) has presented its “Best Innovation 2021” awards to 17 products, technologies and services related to its Group business activities and growth strategies that contribute to the preservation and protection of the global environment and mitigation of environmental impacts, thereby contributing to realization of a carbon neutral society. Through this in-house program, the Company aims to raise environmental awareness among its Groupwide employees and encourage further innovation.

MHI Group has adopted a corporate mission to “integrate cutting-edge technology into expertise built up over many years to provide solutions to some of the world’s most pressing issues and provide better lives.” Going forward, through its business activities the Company will continue to strive to resolve social issues and help achieve a sustainable society.

Of this year’s 17 award-winning recipients, here we introduce 10 innovations related to the Company’s strategic growth areas that will contribute to reduction of environmental impacts.

In 2020 MHI Group designated five items of “materiality”: vital social issues whose resolution the Company should address as a means of enhancing its corporate value and achieving growth through the long term. Details are available at: https://www.mhi.com/sustainability/management/materiality.html

For more information, visit https://www.mhi.com/news/220304.html.

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