Joanne M. Baker Presents a Book that Breaks Free from the Stereotypical Description of Female Lead Characters


Book Genre: Historical, Fantasy, Romance

Target Audience: Adult


About the Author

Joanne M. Baker started writing “Trapped in Love’s Magic Spell” as a junior in high school, because a teacher told her she had to do something in study hall, she couldn’t just sit there. Twelve years and 4,378 pages of hand written pages later she finished it. There was a lot of life in that twelve years: junior, senior in high school, graduating, working, college, getting an associate degree in psychology in 2000, in 1999 breaking both upper arm bones, recovering from that, but finally finishing it.

At the age of 40 she felt that it was time to publish “Trapped in Love’s Magic Spell” Book 1. She broke it down to more manageable novels for people to read. Now at 44, she is releasing “Novel 1: The Ships” and hopes it does well this time. She has lived in Maine most of her life, moved to Alaska for three years and now she lives in New Hampshire. She thinks her book is different; her female character is strong and independent but also has a love for cats which she has.