Carmen Miranda Thomas Introduces the Power That Freed Us From the Curse of Karmic Law in the Relaunch of Her Book



“As A Man Thinketh in His Heart So Is He,” is a book that exposes the power of our minds and our thoughts and how it affects us daily. Carmen Miranda Thomas explores the correlation between success and a positive mindset. In the book, she presents compelling arguments on why it is essential for everyone to guard their thoughts and to produce affirmation rather than negativity. But, regardless of how guarded we are with our thinking, we are still susceptible to negativity—and according to Carmen, that is where grace comes in.

“The consequences that we receive from our misuse of the law is called Karma. Our thoughts, words, and deeds return to us from the same measure they are sent. A person not knowing the power of thought is behind in time, but the good news is that there’s a higher law than Karma. It is called grace – the law of forgiveness. When we sincerely repent from error thinking and call on the law of forgiveness, we neutralize the condition or situation. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of Karmic law, the Christ within us is our freedom from all bondage. We must die daily to old worn-out beliefs, efforts, and negative thinking. The work is forever within self; the journeys on this game of life are onward, upward, and Godward.” – Carmen writes.

“As A Man Thinketh in His Heart So Is He,” teaches us to have a positive outlook but at the same time, reminds us that through the power of God’s grace, we are not bound to the curse of negativity, and we can always choose to move forward with a new perspective.

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As a Man Thinketh In His Heart So Is He

[b]Author:[/b] Carmen Miranda Thomas

Publisher: Your Online Publicist

Publication Date: November 2021

Genre: Self-Help, Inspirational

Target Audience: General Audience

About the Author

Carmen Miranda Thomas was born January 28, 1948 in Detroit, Michigan. Her parents separated when she was a toddler, and her mother took her to live with her grandmother in a small town in Alabama. From her grandmother’s guidance that opened her spiritual awakening, she was a curious child that wanted to dig deeper. She and her mother moved to Cleveland, Ohio when she was pre-teen. Throughout her life and challenges, she continues her spiritual journey. Her passion is to share the good news. She previously had a live broadcast on gospel radio giving inspirational messages daily for two years, and she is a licensed clinical Christian counselor.

Carmen doesn’t profess to be a scholar nor does she hold a degree in Theology. Her curious mind lead her to dig deep in biblical and spiritual knowledge all her life, she has been a witness to the accuracy of how spiritual law work for years. She attained her Christian counselor license from NCCA (National Christian Counselor Association). “Seek to discover your divinity. The Kingdom is Within You.”