GEKON-3 disc harrow successfully debuted at the GRAIN TECHNOLOGIES-2022 exhibition


“HF Agro is actively moving forward and expanding its horizons: we are entering a new market for disc harrows. And for the first time the GEKON-3 short disc harrow was presented at the exhibition,” Roman Hirshfeld, teh Company’s President, introduced new product.

This fast and productive ‘beast’ will cope with any type of soil and provide high-quality and intensive stubble cultivation. The harrow is equipped with grooved discs for intensive mixing of crop residues. The discs are mounted on a spring rack, which ensures both the highest quality of tillage and reliable protection of the tools.

A tubular roller of large diameter, which does not have a central axis and is not clogged up, is implemented in the unit. It should be mentioned, that the new product is completely maintenance-free. GEKON has not a single point of lubrication, and farmers save time and money on maintenance.

GEKON has a working width of 2.75 cm. The unit intensively mixes the soil and crop residues to a depth of 3 to 12 cm, and operates at a maximum speed of 20 km/h.

The traditional ranges of HF Agro that were presented at the exhibition included spreaders and applicators of liquid fertilizers, precise and productive helpers in fertilizing the soil.

The applicators can be installed on any seeders, as well as tine tillage implements. The installation of the fertilizer tank is carried out without welding. The type of barrels at the request of the farmer is in the range from 500 litres to 3000 litres.

HF Agro fertilizer spreaders are compact and capacious implements with various tank sizes up to 10 m3 (10 thousand litres), as well as a spreading range of up to 36 m. Farmers can choose a spreader for the needs of any farm. By the way, mounted spreaders can be retrofitted with a self-loader with a load capacity of 1000 kg or 1200 kg.

As the official distributor of LEHNER (germany), HF Agro presented pneumatic seeders for the reliable sowing of grass seeds, catch crops, green manure, fertilization and other grainy and granular materials.

LEHNER mini seeders are perfectly matched with row seeders and allow for precise application of microfertilizers together with sowing. They are also an ideal solution for sowing green manure and applying micro fertilizers together with stubble cultivation. The implement copes well even with large amounts of sowing material, for example, grass seeds 40 кг/ha or cereals 120 кг/ha).

HF Agro has confidently entered the market and is growing rapidly. The secret of its success is attention to details, to each consumer. The priority task of the brand is to make functional and reliable equipment for agricultural tasks of any complexity.

At the exhibition, HF Agro President Roman Hirshfeld shared his plans for this year: “The plans for this year are to establish ourselves in the disc harrow market, which is new for us, gradually expanding the GEKON range with new models. Of course, to increase sales, develop a dealer network. Our range of biopreparations for plant nutrition, biodestructors is also successfully developing. We are significantly increasing volumes today. We intend to enter the foreign market and have planned an active demonstration program, within which we will take part in domestic and international industry exhibitions and present the best integrated solutions for agriculture.”
